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10 Things You Should Stop Doing If You Want To Increase Your Sales On Instagram

Business seems to be the real deal these days. Almost everyone you come in contact with owns a business – from clothes to food, to agriculture, to cosmetics, everyone wants to get their hands into something.

Social media, has in recent times, become a tool for sales; but, while some people use it to its fullest advantage, others haven’t gotten the hang of it yet.

As an entrepreneur/business owner, you have to realize that you aren’t the only marketer in town. There are a billion others out there, so how you make your brand different and drive clients your way should be considered.

If you are wondering why you are not making sales online, then this post would answer that question.

1. Your page is private!

Putting your business page on private is like shooting yourself in the foot. Business owners need to know that potential customers want to able to access you at all times.

Your page should only be private when everything on your page is about your personal life and not for business. Telling a potential client that they have to follow your page before they can do business with you just doesn’t cut it.

Let them follow you if they find your services faultless. Dear business owner, leave your page accessible to potential customers.

2.  You have the “No DMS, No messages, just calls!” on your bio

This is another error business owners on social media make. If you really love sales,  you should open up every avenue for your clients to reach you and your services.

What makes your business so special that you can’t be “DMd?” Why can’t you receive WhatsApp messages regarding details of your business? Please always put your customers first.

Also not putting up the prices of a product in the caption but telling them to DM you for the price is not best. Some customers get irritated when you write ‘DM for Price’ and just move on.

If you are guilty of this, please stop right away.

3.  Replying messages/inquires late

Business requires time and commitment and if you aren’t ready to put that into yours, then maybe business isn’t for you. If you cannot reply to messages or answer calls immediately, please do as soon as possible and apologize for any inconvenience first. This shows you are a person of integrity and your business can be trusted.

4. Posting poorly taken photos

This one can be an instant turn off. Most people who buy things on social media do so because they fell in love with the images posted. As a business owner who wants more sales, pay particular attention to the quality of your pictures.

Excellent picture quality says a lot about you and your business. They help to catch the attention of potential buyers. It is now left to you to retain this interest and ensure they close the deal.

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5.  Not replying comments under the post

Several times, we see comments like “how do I get this? How do I order? Where are you based?” under posts and the strange thing is that these comments get no replies.

Yes, some customers can be exasperating. They want the same thing said over and over again, but that’s why as a business owner, you cannot excel without great patience skills.

Ensure you reply comments underneath your posts. This shows that you have your customers in mind and that you are passionate about your business.

6. Not using hashtags that benefits your target customers

Learning how to use the right hashtags could be very beneficial to your business and every entrepreneur should know this.

You should learn to use the right hashtags that would open your business up to more visitors.

Your customer is likely not searching for #pepperdemgang (one of the most favorite hashtags of many), but they may be searching for #ladiesfeet. To really connect, you can think back to your ideal customer base.

If you sell handbags, #authenticleatherbags or #ladiesfashionablebags are more likely hashtags your customers might be familiar with and potentially searching for than #Habeeebahsfashionhub, because that focuses more on you and your business name and less on them and their interests.

Unless your business name is already very popular, use more hashtags.

7. Posting pictures of a particular product several times

This can be an absolute turn off. Imagine if you visit the page or timeline of a person you intend buying from and then scrolling through their pictures, you see that the person has just five products, but a hundred and twenty pictures of these products.

There is just something about it that oozes unseriousness. Give your customers variety. Give them an opportunity to choose from a variety of products. That way, they don’t feel coerced into buying a particular product.

8. Not giving back to your customers

We understand that as a business owner, your main aim is to make profit, but once in a while, give back to your customers. Do a giveaway! Announce a 20% discount week, do free deliveries for people who stay in your environs for a number of days.

This shows your clients that you are not only business and success-driven but you care about your customers. Also, it will lead more people to your page and they could become potential customers.

9.  Thinking the number of followers matter

Some business owners boast of having over two thousand followers on their business pages. It is always a thing of joy and pride to them until they are asked: “I guess you must be making tons of money then”, and then they keep quiet.

As a business owner, never get carried away by the numbers of followers you have. What you should be particular about is your sales. Are these followers bringing money? If not, think again.

10. Not investing in ads

Running targeted ads from time to time is a sure way of getting new customers.

It’s a worthwhile investment, especially if your brand or business is fairly new.

You can plan out your Instagram ads in such a way that you reach the customers who are most likely to be interested in your products.
