6 Simple Steps That Will Help You Reduce Bloating

dealing with bloating


The problem of bloating is one almost every woman deals with. Not only does it make one feel uncomfortable, it can be a tad frustrating. However, there are pretty easy ways to fight this. Want to beat it?

Here are 6 simple ways to get rid of bloating.

  1. Drink more water

beating bloating

Drink a glass (or two) of water more especially when eating salty foods. Water is a diuretic, so it will help you flush out excess salt and keep things moving.

2. Consume less carbohydrates and more protein

Every carbohydrate that your body stores attracts three times as much water than protein would. If you’re bloated after eating a big bowl of pasta, cereal, rice, or other grains, cut back on the serving size next time and add more protein to it. For example, eat chicken along with the pasta. Protein is more satisfying, so you’ll still feel full even though you have cut back on starchy foods.

3. Stay away from sugary drinks

Foods that have been sweetened with sugar alcohols such as Maltina, Smirn off, Fanta, and the likes can cause gas (and bloating) because these drinks are hard for your body to digest. Check the ingredients of foods labeled low sugar or sugar-free, as they often contain these in of sugar.

4. Eat slowly and chew thoroughly

dealing with bloating

Using a straw, chewing gum, having carbonated drinks, talking while eating, and eating too quickly can all cause you to swallow more air, which can lead to gas and bloating. Try paying more attention while eating by putting down your spoon or fork between bites so you’ll chew more thoroughly and eat more slowly.

5. Incorporate exercises into your routine

simple ways to beat bloating

Your preference may be to sit or lie down until the discomfort passes, but moving around helps move the gas through your system. Plus, exercising at least 30 minutes a day helps keep your digestive system functioning smoothly and cuts down on the production of gas.

6. Take a lot of tea

simple ways to beat bloating

Drinking ginger, peppermint tea, or taking one of these herbs in supplement form can help dispel gas and calm your digestive system.



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