Insomnia: Everything You Need To Know About It + Tips To Help You Sleep Better

Insomnia is one of the most common health issues women are faced with today. Inability to sleep even when you feel tired and anxious after a long day poses a threat to your health if it is reoccurring.

Sleep is important to our body just as much as breathing and eating. It provides an avenue for your body to deal with the day’s stress and dealing with your physical and mental health.

When we are deprived of sleep, our cognitive and emotional state can be affected leaving us at risk of other chronic illnesses such as depression, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, weakened immune system and digestive issues.

Some of the most obvious signs that you are not getting enough sleep include

– difficulty falling asleep despite being tired

– constant yawning

– irritability

– excessive sleepiness during the day

– lack of concentration

– headaches

– depression

When you notice any of these signs, it is advised that you check to see what could be the cause. For most people high levels of stress is often the trigger of insomnia other times it could be due to other medical problems, a medication you are on or even your environment not being conducive to sleep.

In order to sleep better at night, here are some simple things you can do

1. Ensure your room is noiseless, dark and cool

Noise, light and unbearable weather conditions can contribute to your lack of sleep. Ensure that before going to bed, you eliminate any form of these in your bedroom.

2. Stick to  regular sleep schedule

Having a regular sleep schedule is a good way to programme your body for sleep-time. Pick a certain time at night, ensure you are in your bed by that time everyday for the next few weeks. After a while your body will automatically get used to the new sleep pattern.

3. Avoid stimulating activities before bed time

An hour or more before your bed time avoid any activity that stimulates you especially mentally. This may hinder you sleeping well or encourage your mind to create thoughts that might possibly keep you awake during the night

4. Avoid naps during the day

If you are in the habit of taking naps during the day then you will have to stop it. Sleeping during the day gives your body the illusion that it has had enough rest when its night time. Avoiding naps during the day puts your body in a better condition to rest properly at night.


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