‘I Was In Labour For About Seven Hours’ -Toolz Opens Up On Losing Her First Child In Emotional Video

OAP Toolz has revealed heartwrenching details on how she lost her first child.

She revealed this in an interview with Betty Irabor’s Life Lessons series.

Toolz who recently became Director of Programmes at Beat FM disclosed that she got pregnant a few months after her wedding and she began looking forward to having a baby.

However, as the pregnancy approached 6 months, she noticed she had never felt any movement.

She said the hospital here in Nigeria missed a few things and didn’t pick up on the problem in time.

She eventually travelled to the UK and a scan showed that her baby was too small and may not survive.

“I never once thought that the health of my child would be an issue,” Toolz said.

The doctors kept conducting more scans and tried what they could but a final scan showed the baby was no longer moving and she was told she’ll have to push the baby out.

At the final scan, she said she had some sort of “spiritual awakening”.

She said: “I heard a voice saying ‘this isn’t going to work out but you’re going to be OK’.”

She continued: “That was horrible, the day that I did the scan and there was just like nothing. When we did the last scan, there was nothing, like, no movement, nothing.”

“Oh my gosh, it was horrible, it was absolutely horrible,” she added.

She said she was told that she’ll be given some medications and will come back after three days to push the baby out. The medications were given to her on Thursday and she was told to come back on Sunday. However, she went into labour on Saturday.

She recalled preparing breakfast on that fateful Saturday when she felt pain and went to the bathroom.

She said: “From there, the pain went from two to twelve. And I remember screaming… I was in so much pain and that’s when I realized that gosh, I’m in labour.

“I was in labour for about 6 or 7 hours…

“It was very very traumatic. I try not to think about it too much.

“I think one of the worst moments after that… of course this was in the UK, they had to do like an autopsy, I had to arrange a funeral. It was horrible.

“That whole time, I was just like, ‘Yeah, God, I’m done’. I’m like ‘come and take me, I’m gone’.”

Watch the video below.

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