6 Best Ovulation Apps Women Should Have On Their Phones


Your monthly cycle is a big deal for you, and there are just times that you tend to forget when next you’ll see your period.

It’s not that you don’t care, but there are several other things you need to focus on in your life! However, period tracker apps have made it easier for you to get prepared for your next period.

Also, if you want to make your family planning easier and be sure when to be safe with your husband, you can simply check out your ovulation and fertility window. This is the period that you have the chance to conceive.

It is essential for you to have these apps so that you can be sure when you’re safe or expecting your monthly flow. These apps are free and available on Android and iOS.

Here are 6 apps that you should download to track your period and calculate your ovulation cycle.

1. Period Calendar

Period Calendar helps any women who are trying to conceive or use birth control methods.


  1. It tracks your fertile and ovulation window, lets you know your chances of pregnancy, whether high, medium or low.
  2. It also has a pill reminder so you don’t forget to use your pills.
  3. Period Calendar helps to track irregular periods with Period and Cycle Tracker
  4. It predicts cycles, menstruation period, cycles and more.
  5. As the name suggests, it has a calendar (just like a normal calendar) where you get to see all your period and fertility information.
  6. It also tracks your intimacy.

2. Kindara


Kindara is an app that monitors your body and how it operates. It allows you understand your body extensively.


  1. It monitors the cervical fluid and basal temperature of the body, allowing you to understand the hormone levels present in the body.
  2. It brings your fertility in your hands and gives a better understanding of your body.
  3. It allows you to learn about your body.
  4. Kindara also monitors your cervical fluid, temperature and menstruation.
  5. It has a Kindara community for you to relate to other women and understand their periods.

3. Glow Fertility

This period tracker is ranked as one of the best period tracker apps for iOS.


  1. Glow Fertility ensures that there are no accidents when it comes to your menstruation cycles. It is also the key to keeping an eye on your ovulation.
  2. It monitors your fertility window.
  3. It calculates your ovulation period.
  4. It also tracks pregnancy symptoms.

4. Dot

Dot’s makers say it is a ‘contraceptive app’. It uses an algorithm for calculating data in order to calculate pregnancy risks using the beginning and end of the menstrual period.


  1. Dot predicts menstrual period accurately for the next 6 months.
  2. It sends alerts for you to check if there’s something off in your normal cycles.
  3. It alerts on your daily pregnancy risks
  4. It has an Ovulation calculator.
  5. Dot also provides information based on your reproductive goals.

5. Fertility Friend Ovulation App


According to reviews from Android app stores, this app is the ‘most accurate and trusted fertility tracker’.


  1. It lets you calculate ovulation by tracking period dates.
  2. It also has an advanced ovulation calculator
  3. There is a fertility chart that assists you in your calculation.
  4. It also has a menstrual calendar.

6. Clue

Clue is a science-based app, as it uses elements of science for tracking your period and ovulation.

When a woman adds data to Clue by herself, the app becomes smarter.


  1. It considers your mood as it has multiple mood trackers.
  2. It tracks your period.
  3. It also has exercise trackers to give you a healthy body.
  4. Clue contains health logs for a great body.

ALSO READ: Why You Should Consider Switching To Reusable Menstrual Pads

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