You Should Read These 6 Tips Before Dating A Man Who Lives With His Parents

Tips To Dating A Man Who Lives With His Parents

Ever dated a man who lived with his parents? If you have, you would agree with us that it can be frustrating. As a grown lady, you most times want privacy and little interference in your relationship but it is sometimes difficult to find that when you date a guy who lives at home.

Thinking of dating a man who lives with his folks? You should read this

1. Getting “intimate” is near impossible

If his parents are somewhere in the house, there is no safe place to get it on. In our opinion, if you can hear them walking around, they are too close for comfort. Plus, remember mums can be sneaky at times. Thus most of these home dates will remain under watch from all sides. — or as it’s more commonly known to guys — mummy’s watch.

2.  The traditional pre-date interview

Remember when guys would come over to your house in secondary school, and your dad would question them for 20 minutes as if they were in a pretty intense job interview?

Well get ready to experience the other side of that, because your date’s mom is now interviewing you to possibly fill the wife/mother position and she means to take it serious. To scale through, you must always bring your A game on and be super respectful, punctual and efficient.

3. The return of the curfew

This one’s pretty hideous on parents’ parts, but somehow they’ve managed to bring back the curfew. Of course, they don’t just come out and tell you to leave, but they not-so-subtly imply that they have to get up early the next morning for work, so if you could wrap things up early, that would be super great. You can trust our Naija mothers for that one.

4. The deceit

Ever dated a guy who always comes to your house, and anytime you asked him for you guys to go back to his, he’d say his housemates were lousy people. You finally confront him about it, and he admits that he lives at home? Yes, guys who live at home are sometimes secretive about it, they try as much as possible not to let it on in the early stages of the relationship.

Men like this are then seen as liars, cheats and deceivers even if that was not their intention.

5. You Try Not To Think about it

Then sometimes you just try and deal with the situation by not dealing with it at all. You have to do a lot of sneaking around, meeting where is not comfortable, hanging out even on days where you wish to stay indoors and once can easily get tired of this as it is extremely frustrating.

These 5 Tips Would Ensure You Have A Strong And Healthy Relationship

6. You will get caught in the act

Imagine you getting down with your man in the living room(yes, you guys got carried away after he told you his parents were out of town)and then his father or mother walks in on you? How do you feel? That image and thought would possibly never leave your mind for a long time.

These are some of the things you experience with a man who lives at home.

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