Need sanitary pads for your heavy flow? We have got you covered in this article! Sanitary pads are absorbent items worn by women while menstruating, recovering from vaginal surgery, for lochia (post-birth bleeding), after an abortion, or in any other situation where it is necessary to absorb a flow of blood from the vagina. Here are six of the best...

In recent times, cases of people slumping and dying known as sudden cardiac death have been on the rise. One such is the late Onyeka Onwenu, the legendary singer, actress, and activist. Onwenu slumped shortly after performing during a birthday party. She was rushed to Reddington Hospital where doctors were in a battle to resuscitate her all to no avail....

World Sickle Cell Day is observed on June 19th every year to raise awareness about Sickle Cell disease. The theme for the 2024 celebration is “Hope Through Progress: Advancing Sickle Cell Care Globally.” which underscores the importance of unity, collective voices, and heightened awareness to reduce stigma and bring about meaningful change for the millions affected by sickle cell disease....

There is a cholera outbreak in Nigeria and here is all you need to know and how to stay safe. The Lagos Government officially declared a cholera outbreak in Nigeria on June 9, 2024, following the death of five people in 48 hours. By  June 12, 324 suspected cholera cases had been reported in the state, including 15 people who...

There is a serious misconception that eating disorders are lifestyle choices. As the name implies, it is a disorder that has to do with eating and should be seen as an illness. Many women fight eating disorders in silence. Because not many know about it, they can’t relate to the very real danger it poses to their health and lives....

Sitting down for long hours has side effects and here is all you need to know. Do you know there are side effects to sitting for long hours all day? You would notice that when you get up now and then, maybe you notice your tush is a little sore and your hip flexors are a little tight. This is...

  There are many health benefits of early morning jogging. Jogging is one of the oldest and most popular forms of exercise.  However, you must know your health status first or consult a physician before embarking on a jogging program. Jogging is good, but jogging in the morning before starting your normal daily activities is even better, as it offers...

Want to stay hydrated and on top of your game? Here are ten fruits you should eat during Ramadan for hydration. It’s important to pay special attention to your health while fasting. This is because fasting can deplete your nutrients and make you dehydrated. Hence, there is a need to stay hydrated all through the day. One such way is...

The practise of FGM is considered a violation of human rights against the female gender. Today, February 6, is celebrated as the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation, a day established by the United Nations General Assembly in line with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This year’s Theme is Her Voice. Her Future. It provides the opportunity...

As the world celebrates Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, here are some facts to know about the killer disease. Cancer of the cervix is a very common kind of cancer in women that occurs when cancer (malignant) cells are found in the tissues of the cervix—the opening of the uterus (womb). The cervix connects the uterus to the vagina (birth canal). Cancer...