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Here Is Everything You Need To Know About Abortions

facts about abortion

Abortion is the ending of pregnancy by removing a fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the uterus. An abortion that occurs spontaneously is also known as a miscarriage.

There are two types 0f abortion:

A. Medical abortion: The abortion pill

Some women feel that a medical abortion is a more natural process. There are two types of medical abortion. – Abortion pill (also known as early medical abortion) up to 10 weeks and Abortion pill from 10 weeks up to 24 weeks

B. Surgical abortion

Surgical abortion involves a quick, minor operation. There are two types of surgical abortion- Vacuum aspiration up to 15 weeks and Dilatation and evacuation between 15 and 24 weeks

Like any medical treatment, there is a small risk that something could go wrong. The risk of complications increases the later in pregnancy an abortion is carried out.

The main risks associated with an abortion are:

1. Infection of the womb – occurs in up to 1 in every 10 abortions; it can usually be treated with antibiotics

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2. Some of the pregnancy remaining in the womb – occurs in up to 1 in every 20 abortions; further treatment may be required if this happens.

3. Continuation of the pregnancy – occurs in less than 1 in every 100 abortions; further treatment will be needed if this happens.

4. Excessive bleeding – occurs in about 1 in every 1,000 abortions; severe cases may require a blood transfusion.

5. Damage of the entrance to the womb (cervix) – occurs in up to 1 in every 100 surgical abortions.

6. Damage to the womb – occurs in 1 in every 250 to 1,000 surgical abortions and less than 1 in 1,000 medical abortions carried out at 12 to 24 weeks.

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