5 Ways To Maintain A Flat Tummy During The Holidays

How To Maintain Flat Tummy Festive Season

It is Easter and you might feel the urge to over-indulge in calorie filled meals. Before you do that, read these tips below on what to do to ensure you maintain a trim tummy this resting period.

Here are some tips to help you:

1. Take salt in small quantities

You need to know that too much salt in the daily diet can cause some bloating that is not good for your digestive system. It would be preferable if you use sea salt as sea salt has less sodium than your usually used salt and can help you to prevent bloating.

2. Stay hydrated

Sip water regularly throughout the day. The more hydrated you are, the fuller you’ll feel and the less food (and calories) you’ll want to, or be able to, consume.  Also, sometimes our body mistakes thirst for hunger, so the more water you drink, the less thirsty you’ll be and therefore the less likely you’ll be to pick at calorie-filled treats.

3. Drink wisely

When you’re at Christmas events where you know the alcohol will be flowing, try some simple strategies to slow down the rate you’re drinking, so you infuse less over the course of the evening.

4. Take Lemon juice

Helping to flush out the digestive system, activate the liver, alkalise the system and normalise digestive secretions, drinking the juice of half a fresh lemon diluted in a glass of warm water each morning, is a great way to help kick-start the digestive system throughout the festive season. 

5. Exercise

It can be tricky but exercise is even more important while you’re overindulging. Getting your heart rate up and moving won’t just help to burn off any extra helpings, it will also help encourage digestion, boost metabolism and leave you in full spirits.

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