Toke Makinwa Celebrates Mo Abudu, Says She Is Instrumental To her Success

Toke Makinwa has celebrated Mo Abudu, the EbonyLife Media CEO with the sweetest words.

In a lengthy post, the media personality revealed how Mo Abudu has inspired her to success especially as someone who suffered from the fear of rejection.

She wrote:

It is not your birthday but I stared hard at this picture and decided to share the lessons I’ve learnt from you. This will be a long read so let’s go.

I’ve always suffered from the fear of rejection, losing both parents at 8 and growing up living with people (family) who did the best they could to accommodate my siblings and I, I still felt like I was a burden and though they never complained, I always felt like an after thought.

I wouldn’t ask for help even if my life depended on it. I hardly ask anyone for help, I can be struggling but will never want to feel like a burden to anyone so I’ll carry it all and though I’m trying my best to be better at needing people you have shown just by being you that to be successful you must speak up.

You must ask for help and knock on that door till it opens, kick it open if you have to. Anyone who knows MA knows that if she has an idea, if she wants something done or if she needs you to do anything for her she will ask, she doesn’t take No, you’ll see her in your dreams too. Lol…listen, If you can’t help MA, don’t stand in her way too cos she’ll run you over.

Yesterday I took a major step towards another dream of mine, one that I can’t even share cos it’s almost laughable but I remember how you teach me each day that it’s not too late to start something new. I took that step in fear yesterday but I am hopeful.

You started this media journey when a lot of people probably thought it won’t work, it’s probably a midlife crises, or a hobby you’ll soon get bored with but look at you Aunty, turning the odds around and eating impossibilities for breakfast. I know your journey is not easy, I know all you do behind the scene and I’m encouraged to not look back and by God I know I’ve got this.

My community, hear this today, you see that picture of who you want to be, the one you see when you close your eyes, even though you look nothing like it now, yes that one, it was put in your mind by the maker cos he sees you already there, as MA always says, if you can think it, you can do it. ??

Take all your flowers Aunty, I love you



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