Woman Who Holds Guinness World Record For Longest Eyelash Breaks Her Own Record

The woman with the world’s longest eyelash has broken her own record.

According to Guinness World Records, You Jianxia has held the record for the longest eyelashes since 28 June 2016. At that time, her eyelashes measured 12.4 cm (4.88 in) and could be found on the upper eyelid of her left eye.

However, her eyelashes continued to grow. On May 20, she officially broke her own record with her new longest eyelash measuring about 20.5 cm.

Jianxia claims to have visited medical professionals for her condition but in vain. “I kept thinking about why I have such long eyelashes, then I remembered that I had spent over 480 days in the mountain, years ago,” says Jianxia. “So, I told myself that my eyelashes must be a gift given by the Buddha.”

She says that her eyelashes don’t hinder her personal life but actually bring her “just lots of joys. Only joys, no trouble.”


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