10 Reasons Why You Are Probably Still Single

Nobody actually wants to be single no matter how independent and self-sufficient they are. As much as it pays to take your time so you do not end up making mistakes, sometimes taking that risk is worth it. Some ladies have stayed single for so long that they have no idea what it feels like to be with anyone apart from themselves. Are you looking to be in a relationship but it seems like men do not come your way or they don’t last beyond a week or month?

Well, one of these might be the reason you are still very single.

1. Deep-seated Self Love

You are just too in love with yourself to share with any other person. You have built walls so high and thick around yourself that no one can climb through and even those who try to get weary along the way. Loving yourself is beautiful but the way you go about it might just put the next person off especially a man. You appear selfish and nobody wants to be with a selfish person.

2. Not A Catch

For whatever reason, you probably are not looking good enough or your age or you appear hostile. Nobody wants to be in a relationship with a rude, lazy or unkempt person as a partner. Work on yourself, who knows Mr. right may just be a few steps away.

3. High Standards

Your standards are way too high! It is good to be picky-yes, no one wants to date any Tom, Dick, or Harry but too much of anything is not advisable. Your high standards may just send the right one away. Be reasonable when setting your standards.

4. Home Bound

Everybody loves a homely girl but sorry to burst your bubble you no man will come looking for you in the comfort of your room. It does not hurt to step out once in a while, alone or with friends. It’s only fair to live life sometimes.

5. Uncertainty

You don’t know what you want or you are still not sure and you end up stringing an innocent man along when you don’t really want him. Be sure of what you want right from the beginning. If you want something serious, then state it.

6. Impatience

Waiting for the one you really want is a chore for you so you accept just anyone and before you know it, you are back to where you started or you have tried dating a lot of times and it hasn’t worked out and you totally give up. Sometimes, all you need is a little patience and the right one will come knocking.

7. Workaholic

You are too in love with your job (which is a good thing) sometimes this is a major turn-off, especially if you don’t have or refuse to create time for your partner and time to have fun. Chances are you may remain single for some time if you keep up that way.

8. Stuck On Your Ex

Some ladies are hardly ever over their ex. Hence, they keep comparing every guy that comes along to him. If you have not moved n from your ex emotionally, getting in another relationship will be a hard task.

9. Low Self Esteem

You feel you are unlovable because you are too thin or too fat. You are not comfortable in your own skin. Note that whatever you think on the inside sort of radiates on the outside and if you don’t think you are okay then it might rub off wrongly on the next person. Run, lift weights, take a yoga class, or practice healthy habits if you’d like to lose weight and get fit. Bottom line, Love yourself. Be confident.

10. Desperation

Danger alert! Everybody is afraid of anyone who comes too hard especially men. If you just met him, do not blow his phone up with calls. Stop bringing up the, ‘When Are You Likely To Marry?’ He will surely develop cold feet. Enjoy the moment and do not attach to any outcome(until it’s necessary).

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