3 Ways To Deal With The Loss Of A Loved One

No matter how hard you try, there’s no escaping Loss or grief, it’s something that just happens and there’s no such thing as preparing for loss nor an acceptable way to grief.

Coping from this kind of painful incident can be separate for individuals; we all have different ways of dealing with a hurtful situation.

There are stages to grief and no rules as grief cannot be taught, however, being aware is important because it comes with acceptance and moving forward.

Here are 3 ways to help you deal with the loss

1. You Have To Acknowledge The Loss

ways to deal with loss

You have to acknowledge that the loss has happened and it’s okay to feel angry, shout if you want, cry, ask yourself questions about the things you could have done differently to have avoided the tragic incident.

You lost someone, pain is only natural so whether we like it or not the death happened and there’s nothing we can do about it because we have no say in the matter.

Don’t try to suppress those feelings.

2. Acceptance

Accepting means you’re finally ready to move on, you’ve allowed all the emotions and taken all the time you need. You don’t blame anyone, you’ve forgiving.

Once you’ve accepted the situation, you’re finally ready to replace all the negative energy with positive ones. You could start volunteering in places, this helps you shift the focus and fill a part of the missing void, being busy helps you move on.

3. Talk To Someone

Talking about how you feel makes things lighter you didn’t ask for what happened but you get to decide how you want your life to be after it.

When you openly talk about your grief, your healing begins, however, take your time.

So talk about how you feel when you’re emotionally ready, that shows how honest you are and you owe it to yourself and everyone, to be honest about your journey.

You could talk to anyone, your parents, siblings, partners, friend, or a counselor, in the end, its who makes you feel the most comfortable.

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