Want To Get Natural Glowing Skin? Try Your Hands On These Essential Oils

Which woman does like a skin that glows naturally??

There are so many creams flying around but are dangerous to the skin.

As much as you love to use your lotion, you should have two or more of these essential oils for the benefit of your skin.

ALSO READ: Struggle With Acne? These 5 Essential Oils Are Just The Solution You Need

Here are some of them

1. Coconut Oil:

This is a superpower oil. It serves many purposes for the entire body. For the skin, coconut oil aids in moisturizing and enhancing the fragrance.

In addition, coconut oil helps the body get rid of bad odour. The oil has a pleasant scent that fills the room, so this is an accompaniment for your perfume or deodorant.

2. Palm kernel Oil:

Made from palm kernel nuts, and just like palm oil, it helps to reduce body odour. It is also used as an ointment for nursing injuries, fresh and old.

Moreover, the surfaces of these injuries become smooth in no time. Palm Kernel Oil is also used to naturally lighten the skin.

3. Mustard oil:

According to research, experts use mustard oil to make medicine which treats many illnesses, skin acne inclusive.

It also helps to make the skin stronger and healthy. Mustard oil gives the skin a natural glow, especially during harsh weathers.

4. Olive Oil:

Olive Oil is a great moisturizer. It also aids in clearing the skin from all sorts of acne and injuries.

The antioxidants in olive oil also remove bacteria. After a day at the beach or at the pool, olive oil is a great choice for soothing your skin.

5. Tea tree Oil


This oil contains antioxidants that help to fight germs on the skin. It allows the skin to be free from harmful agents like bacteria.

Furthermore, Tea-tree oil stops irritation of the skin and also clears acne.

6. Argan Oil:

This essential oil from Morocco contains antioxidants, Vitamin E and fatty acids which help to reduce dryness and dehydration of the skin.

The scent of the oil can also be used as an accompaniment of perfumes and deodorant.

Yinka is a Creative Content Writer for FabWoman. She creates content on women, beauty, health, and lifestyle for our social media. She also writes articles, product descriptions, stories, and screenplays. Outside of work, Yinka volunteers for charity and events relating to women, art, film, and professions. She dances salsa, hip-hop, contemporary and traditional dance for events and competitions. Yinka loves cats and rabbits.