Lady Opens Up On Battle With Breast Cancer And Losing 4 Family Members To The Disease

rika cargill shares cancer story

Rika Cargill’s experience with Breast cancer began in August 2012 when she discovered something unusual about her breast after giving birth to her son, George. A breast cancer diagnosis soon followed and to her shock, she found out she had cancer.

In her chat with Tribune Woman, She said:

“I did chemotherapy and the cancer completely disappeared. However, it reoccurred in the beginning of 2016. There was another lump that came in my right breast, so I decided, ‘Get it off!’. So I had a double mastectomy in April 2016. And by May I was up and off bouncing around the place”

The diagnosis did not come as a complete shock for Rika, as she carries the BRCA-1 gene and cancer runs in her family. Both her mother and grandmother died from the disease in 2006. Two of her aunts later lost their battle with cancer.

“I lost my mother and grandmother, both to breast cancer in 2006. They passed away months apart. And two of my aunts later on. I lost my dad to prostate cancer right after I had my breast removed. I also lost a best friend to breast cancer in October, so I have been going through the ropes. And I just wanted to encourage people.”

“I was very open about my journey because I believe once you have that support you can conquer anything. Medicine can help, but it genuinely starts with you. Mind over matter.

Every sickness and disease is a mind thing, and once you have the mindset to fight and survive, and you have people loving you, taking care of you, pushing you, (you can do it),” she said.

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“This year, I want to accomplish my goal, which is to start my nonprofit organisation ‘I Am The Cure’. I am also starting my brand as well. And every year I am going to support someone going through a life crisis. It could be a homeless person, a mother struggling, or someone going through depression. I just want to encourage people and give them hope,” she said.

If there is one lesson we can all learn from Rika, it’s from her message.

“It’s good to live in the moment than not to live at all.”