21 Affirmations Every Entrepreneur Should Know By Heart

quotes for female entrepreneurs


quotes for entrepreneursAffirmations are statements that help purify your thoughts and overcome negative beliefs.

Your mindset and the things you say to yourself go a long way in determining the course of your life.

As an entrepreneur or aspiring one, it is important to say positive affirmations.

If your mindset is rooted in fear and limiting beliefs, a negative mindset may sabotage your success as an entrepreneur resulting in a depressed state of mind. Therefore, it is pertinent to incorporate affirmations into your daily routine.

Incorporating these statements every day to check in with yourself is a powerful way to adjust your mindset and reset your goals.

Here are 21 affirmations that will help take your business to the next level.

READ: 21 Money Affirmations That Would Catapult You Into Wealth

1. I am in love with myself, my life, and my business.

2. I have a successful business that makes a positive difference in the lives of others.

3. I believe in myself and that I’ve got what it takes to succeed.

4. I am confident and capable, even if I sometimes don’t feel it.

5. I attract ideal clients that are ready to work with me.

6. I attract money into my life and business with ease and flow.

7. The things I want come to me easily.

8. I trust the timing of my life and I know that I am exactly where I am meant to be.

9. Everything is always working out for me.

10. I am worthy of success.

11. My business revenue and net profit are constantly increasing.

12. I am aligned with my purpose in life.

13. I am allowed to make mistakes, mistakes are vital to learn and grow.

14. I am passionate about what I do and that makes me attract like-minded connections.

15. I execute my business plans with clarity and vision.

16. I am expanding my capacity to receive and hold more money, clients, and success.

17. My sense of self-worth is unshakable.

18. I am good enough just as I am.

19. I attract money into my life and business with ease and flow.

20. I trust the timing of my life and I know that I am exactly where I am meant to be.

21. My business is an attraction magnet for financial abundance