7 Awesome Benefits Of Palm Kernel Oil

Palm Kernel Oil Nutritional Benefits

Palm Kernel Oil is edible plant oil extracted from the kernel or seed of the oil palm Elaeis guineensis.

 It should not be confused with palm oil which is extracted from the pulp of the palm fruit.

Palm kernel oil is commonly used in commercial cooking because it is lower in cost than other oils and remains stable at high cooking temperatures.

Palm Kernel is very popular for its healing properties across the southern and eastern part of Nigeria as it is known to offer many health benefits that help prevents and heal life-threatening illnesses.

It is also commonly used for cooking as it is free of cholesterol.

As a matter of fact, medical practitioners advise people suffering from heart problems and high cholesterol levels to make use of palm kernel oil when cooking because it is more beneficial to their health.

Here are some of its benefits.

1. It is low in cholesterol

Palm Kernel oil has been shown to be a healthy alternative for people with high blood pressure because it is low in cholesterol.

Studies have shown that it helps control the free flow of blood from the heart to other organs of the body. And by so doing, it helps in keeping the blood pressure under control, thereby preventing the risk of hypertension.

2. It is rich in antioxidants

Palm kernel oil is a rich antioxidants agent that contains vitamin E which helps prevent the signs and symptoms of aging.

Research has also shown that the use of palm kernel oil does not only prevent fine lines, but it also helps delay sagging and wrinkled skin. And according to research findings, palm kernel oil offers protection from the adverse effects of UV rays and several other toxic substances.

3. It increases hair growth

Palm kernel oil has not only shown amazing results, in terms of growth, when applied to the hair, it also encourages thicker hair as well as preventing hair fall.

In addition, palm kernel oil nourishes the hair and makes it stronger than usual as a result of the conditioning it provides.

4. It helps to detoxify the body

Palm kernel oil does not only remove toxins from the body, it also purifies every cell of the body as well as rejuvenating them.

5. It helps in softening the skin

Apart from being an anti-aging agent, palm kernel oil also helps in making the skin soft without the skin getting greasy in appearance.

This is why most soap and cream industries have continued to make use of its oil as ingredients when producing their products.

Providing comprehensive benefits that are often overlooked, palm kernel oil helps in combating itchy skin, as well as providing relief to ragged cuticles.

6. It is a great remedy for epilepsy

Alternative medicine has shown that palm kernel oil is a wonderful solution when it comes to treating convulsion in kids. Its healing properties help combats the effect of epilepsy attacks, as well as offering great relief.

7. It contains Vitamin A

Another important benefit of palm kernel oil is that it is loaded with Vitamin A. This vitamin is required for proper vision. Vitamin A also prevents the occurrence of different eye disorders, like night blindness.
