5 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Applying For A Job Online

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With the advance in technology and exposure, searching for jobs online is easier than taking your C.Vs from one office to the other. It makes searching for jobs easier and you get to apply for more jobs at the same time. Despite the ease that comes with it, so many people still make mistakes when applying for jobs online.

Also Read: Get That Dream Job By Excluding These Things From Your C.V

These common mistakes could affect your chances of getting the job and if they’re repeated, you might stay unemployed for a long time. This post will show the common mistakes you should avoid when applying for a job online.

1.Applying for jobs that don’t match your skills and experience

When you desperately need a job to pay the bills, you might be tempted to apply to every job opening that you come across.

Every job opening comes with roles and descriptions. When applying for jobs online, you have to read and understand the job description so you don’t end up applying for the wrong job.

2. Not following the application procedure

Always read the application procedure thoroughly and follow the directions. If the company requires you to attach a cover letter with the application form, don’t forget to attach one. Should the company want you to take an online test in addition to filling out the application, make sure that you complete the test along with your submission.

Making a small mistake, like leaving a required section blank in your application form, can easily get your resume ignored or even trashed. It’s always a good idea to get someone else to reread your application form prior to submitting so that you don’t make otherwise easily avoidable application mistakes.

3. Inability to properly articulate all your skills in your C.V

When applying for jobs online, you have to properly communicate all your skills in your C.V. Sometimes, applicants are in a hurry to adjust their CV to make it suitable for a job application. This, however, could limit your chances if your skills are not properly captured in the CV. Stop this mistake today and you’ll land that dream job.

4.Having poor email etiquette

Not having a subject line, using e-mails that are not professional, and also grammatical errors are also mistakes you should avoid.

First of all, make sure that your email has a subject line that’s professional, concise, and relevant. Additionally, your email address should reflect professionalism. For example, emails such as hotpants99@gmail.com will be a turnoff for most potential employers.

Another email etiquette mistake that applicants often unknowingly make is using poor grammar and punctuation. Websites like Grammarly are free and easy resources that are readily available to help you with these technicalities.

5. Not customizing your cover letter to the job posting

While you should always tailor your resume to the job posting, you also need to make sure you’re customizing your cover letter to suit the job description. Your cover letter is basically a sales pitch to convince the hiring manager why the position interests you and why you’re the best candidate for the job. Employers can spot a generic cover letter from miles away, and your application will surely be tossed into the trash if you choose to go down that road!

One of the easiest places to get lazy is in your cover letter. First of all, you always need one so never make a mistake of sending in a bare resume again. Secondly, pay attention to what you are sending. If you are applying to a large number of jobs, you may use a form cover letter where you replace the company name and job title each time, but make sure you don’t miss an incorrect piece of information. Pay attention and proofread.


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