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6 Reasons Why You Should Consider Having A Court Wedding

Court Wedding Advantages

Advantages Of Court Weddings

Do you know there are advantages to having a court wedding?

Court weddings are fast becoming a common phenomenon in Nigeria. Although court weddings have been a thing for a long, long time, they are arguably still the least famous form of marriage in Nigeria.

The average Nigerian wedding cost about 1-2 million naira and that’s not taking the dowry, miscellaneous expenses, and honeymoon bills into consideration.

The term most people use is ‘go big or go home’ but wide exposure, cultural revolution, and harsh economic realities are teaching young people to seek alternative ways to celebrate their big days.

Relationship expert, Laura Doyle, says getting married is the least important part of the day. “Sure, it feels great to celebrate your love in front of your friends and family but honestly, the life you are creating with your spouse is what’s truly magical.” Laura is right, and the location of your wedding doesn’t dull your romance or spark.

But here are some advantages to having a court wedding.

1. Saves Money

If an extravagant ceremony seems too overwhelming for your schedule or your wallet, getting married in a courthouse might turn out to be one of the shrewdest financial decisions you’ll ever make!

While an elaborate church or traditional wedding are beautiful ways to celebrate the beginning of a married life, they are certainly not the only ways. If you had a courthouse marriage—at the end of the day—you and your partner will still be ‘Mr’ and ‘Mrs’ and the same certificate, issued in church, will be handed to you.

2. Less stress and noise

While certain circumstances may warrant that a wedding be conducted quickly and quietly, some people just really hate all the noise and the buzz. A courthouse wedding provides a conducive and convenient avenue to get married. You get to save your money, time, and energy, and you get to avoid unnecessary, and often unwanted attention.

3. Helps in cutting down guests

Planning a wedding can suck the life out of you, and mingling your way through hoards of great aunts, distant cousins, and old high school friends can be exhausting.

A courthouse ceremony not only helps you trim your guest list without hurting anyone’s feelings, it also allows you to celebrate one of the most important days of your life with the people who truly matter.

4. It is fast

Courthouse weddings are fast, as opposed to church or traditional weddings.  What’s more? There are no ridiculously long sermons and songs in courts, no crowd, and no noise. In and out and you’re done.

5. No strict rules or codes

A courthouse wedding breaks all protocol. There are no judges and no rules. There are no strict dress codes and no strict timeline. Prospective couples can wear whatever they like and everyone can be happy.

6. It is completely legal

Oh, lest we forget, a courthouse marriage is legal! Hence, you have absolutely nothing to worry about.

ALSO READ: Follow These 3 Steps To Legally Change Your Name After Your Wedding