4 Daily Skincare Tips To Leave Your Child With Glowing Skin

Skincare Tips For Kids

Of course, which mother out there does not want the best skin for her child? None, we guess. So please keep reading as we address the issues surrounding your child’s skin and how to ensure it stays healthy and glowing.

Below are some tips

1. Sleep

The eight to 10 hours of sleep mandated for children is necessary. Encourage them to take naps in the middle of the day and get a full night’s sleep. Rested skin is beautiful skin and proper rest helps revitalise and regenerate cells.

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2. Balanced diet

Children who are properly nourished glow with health. They need balanced meals to feed their rapidly growing and regenerating cells. Make sure they eat fish, green vegetables, iron, calcium and other essential nutrients to feed their outsides from the inside. Resist the urge to let them eat junk food. They may not like to eat all their veggies, but mummy and daddy know best after all.

3. Play outside

Children need to play outside because the sun is the surest way of imbibing vitamin D for strong bones, teeth, motor development and immune function. Children who are not exposed to the sun have pale, unhealthy skin.

Of course, monitor sun exposure and never allow it without applying sunscreen all over the child’s skin. Also, make sure they do not stay out all day. This is to prevent their skin from drying out and also to curtail all the mischief children left to their own devices can get up to.

4. Say no to perfume!

Children have an uncanny ability to attract dirt and grime and this can get frustrating. Don’t try to fix the smell by bathing them in perfume. The harsh contents of these perfumes are easily absorbed into the porous, sensitive skin of the kids and can cause an allergic reaction.

Instead of using perfumes, bathe with a mild soap. Clothes can be scented naturally using lavender or vanilla essential oil diluted in water and sprayed on their clothes, or, by putting sprigs of dry mint and lavender leaves into their storage boxes and wardrobes. Your kid will smell delicious without all the chemicals!


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