5 Ways To Keep Your Marriage Strong After Having Kids

relationship tips for parents

relationship tips for parents

Childbearing is a thing of joy and excitement but it is also a time when the relationship between partners is challenged.

This is because things change and you have more responsibilities. It is easy to focus more time on the kids and neglect your partner. This can have a bad effect on a marriage.

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What then is the solution? Here are 5 practical tips that couples can adopt to keep their relationships strong after having kids.

1. Find time to connect

activities to do with your partner at home

Finding time for each other is very important to keep a relationship alive. It could be as little as watching a movie together or playing indoor games. These little bonding moments would surely cement your relationship.

2. Compliment Each Other

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Show you care by finding one new thing to compliment your partner on each day. Letting them know that you love them and appreciate the little things truly go a long way.

3. Set aside time to work through difficulties.

relationship tips for parents

No marriage is perfect and as such disagreements and issues would arise. Ensure you find the time to resolve all issues especially those involving your kids. Never let an issue skip into the next day to avoid making matters worse.

4. Listen to Your Partner

Listen to your partner as if what they are saying is the most important thing you will ever hear.

couples with kids relationship tips

Pay attention to your partner and really listen to them about what their day has been like. The baby can wait. It won’t be harmed in any way if you acknowledge your partner first.

5. Make out time for sex

relationship tips for parents

Sex is an important part of every relationship and having kids might limit the romance but just because you’re married doesn’t mean you can’t make a hot date.

Get someone to watch the kids and kick it with your partner just like you did back in the day.

Ebun Bello is a Content Writer by Day and Fashion Enthusiast every other time. She's passionate about Digital Media, Women's Fashion and Everything In Between!