How To Make A Simple Dish Of Ebiripo (Cocoyam Pudding)

Ebiripo is another unique Ijebu food cooked with cocoyam. It is a major tribal food that is cooked in leaves. This meal can be prepared in various ways and spiced up with various ingredients of your choice to make a balanced meal.

You Can Make A Great Pot Of Ikokore With This Simple Tutorial

Many have found new ways to make the meal nutritious by adding soybeans while making it. This meal can be eaten with all kinds of soups.

Below is how to prepare Ebiripo:


  • Cocoyam
  • Soybeans
  • Ground fresh Pepper or dry chilli pepper (depending on choice)
  • Water
  • Ground Crayfish
  • Moi Moi Leaves for wrapping


1. Cocoyam is peeled and grated or blended into a paste, then mix thoroughly.
2. Add little water depending on the quantity or size of the paste to make it fluffy
3. Salt to taste.
4. Add pepper and ground crayfish.
5. Mix thoroughly.
6. Wash the leaves thoroughly
7. Scoop in a small quantity with a spoon into the folded leaf
8. Arrange the Ebiripo inside a big pot and steam for about an hour
9. Bring down to cool and serve with Egusi soup or vegetable soup of choice.

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