8 Essential Items Every Working Class Woman Should Own

As a working lady, having a distinction between your work wear and your regular outfits is a necessity you need to pay attention to. For your work wear, there are several things that should make up your wardrobe to give you that perfect professional look.

8 Essential Items Every Millennial Chic Should Have In Her Wardrobe

Your needs for work wear are definitely different from your needs for a casual wear, an outfit for events and  so on and so forth. But just before you go and buy every thing you feel you need for work, see our list of must-haves to create the perfect blend of classy and smart

1. A simple pair of flats

Never underestimate the power of the right type of flats on your outfit. Asides the fact that they are comfortable to walk in, when you choose the right type of flats, you can look smart, move freely and not end up with sore legs after a long day at work.

2. Pencil skirts

A pencil skirt especially in black is a life-saver any day any time. They go with almost everything else in your wardrobe and if they are the right fit, they can do wonders for your figure. When shopping for one, choose a skirt of good quality without minding cost, they will serve you longer and look better on you.

3. A roomy tote bag

You don’t have to drag all your devices around in separate bags when you have a roomy tote. They are chic and classy and they do the job of your other unflattering bags as well.

4. A jacket

It goes without saying that a jacket can give you that instant make over without stressing you. Having a jacket means that you don’t have to worry about what to wear for that presentation at the next board meeting; just make sure they fit well.

5. Comfortable court shoes


Now we are not talking about the ancient type. Court shoes are simple ways to improve your looks in the office. They are not so high that you won’t be able to walk in them neither are they too casual that you feel out of place in some circles.

6. Ankle pants

If you wear trousers to work, its time to forgo all your old pant suits. Ankle length pants are the in-thing. Generally, they look better with a pair of moderately heeled shoes.

7. A peplum top

Don’t have one yet, then you need to get one asap. Peplums give you a break from your regular shirt and they look great on both pants and skirts.

8. A white button down shirt

White button down shirts are timeless and we think they probably will never go out of fashion. They are easy to play up as well, so if you don’t have one, shop for it in the occasion that they will surely come in handy some day.

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