Funmi Afolarin Photoshops Her Late Husband Into Family Pictures

What This Woman Did To Celebrate Her Late Husband’s 40th Birthday Is Every Bit Of Amazing

Funmi Afolarin, a Facebook user has shared a heart rending story of how she lost her husband 3 years ago and what she did to keep his memories alive.

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To celebrate her late husband’s 40th Birthday, this Nigerian lady Photoshops Her Late Husband Into Family Pictures

The young woman lost her husband to an illness three years ago and she has been raising her kids all alone ever since then.

To keep his memories alive, she found a photographer who found a way to photoshop her late husband into the family photos.

She also wrote him a heart breaking letter, telling him how much she misses him and how hard it has been without him.

In her words:

“You’ve been gone 996 days (not that I’ve been counting). You passed the torch to me with 3 angels to care for. Your departure gave me enough reasons to ask HIM why HE took you so soon yet I’ve refused to ask HIM those dreaded-but-well-deserved questions that start with WHY… You’ve been gone but yet I’ve been comforted knowing very well you’re in HEAVEN.

Since you’ve been gone, my relationship with the FATHER has gotten to another level for good. Since you’ve been gone, my understanding of your unconditional LOVE has been clearer.

Since you’ve been gone, my definition of WORSHIP has been redefined. Since you’ve been gone, the revelation of what Mary felt when her firstborn was being crucified…. Forgive me, let me get a tissue, I’m getting a little emotional here. Since you’ve been gone, my LOVE for you has grown exponentially.”

We have her Facebook post below

We have some photos below

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