5 Things You Do That Make Your Acne Worse

There are some actions women engage in that affect the way their faces look without them knowing.  A lot of women have some bad beauty habits that cause their face to pop out more pimples.

Here are some reasons why your acne is worse

1.You wipe with an unclean towel

So what do you do after washing your face at night? Clean it right? Some people make the mistake of using their usual body towel to wipe their face after washing.

This can transfer bacteria back onto the face you just cleansed. Make sure you use a clean cloth every single time you wash your face.

2. You have a dirty cellphone

Your face produces oil and sweat which gets on your cell phone when you hold it to your ear. If you don’t clean your phone often, you’re simply putting all that gunk back on your face plus the many bacteria they have gathered. This is a definite breeding ground for pimples.

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3. You go to bed without washing your face

Some women believe that they only need to wash their face before bed if they used makeup during the day. This is not always the case. In the course of the day, you have sweated and many other things have made contact with your face so you should be wash nightly before bed to prevent pimples.

4. You pop your pimples

You may think this practice is helping you get rid of your pimples quickly but it causes deeper problems. This is because when you pop them, that area scars. So if you continually do so, the skin of your face will lose its freshness in no time.

5. You eat a lot of starchy food

Sugary and processed foods like bread, pasta, potatoes, biscuits, sweets etc have been linked to pimples. Cut down on those for a smoother skin.

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