10 Health Hazards Every Woman Should Always Watch Out For

There are numerous health hazards that women may face in their lives and if they do not pay attention, it may come back to haunt you, so precaution is very important.

If you begin to experience any of these traits, make a visit to your Doctor and explain your symptoms to him, in order to get the proper treatment that you may need, and most importantly, a treatment that would begin on time.

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Below are some health hazards to watch out for:

1. Nipple Discharge

When fluid(brownish, greenish, yellowish, or milky) begins to seep out of your nipple and you are not lactating, accompanied with pain in the breast, a lump or thickening inside the breast or in the underarm area, this could be a sign of Breast problems.

2. Difficulty in breathing

Coughing up blood, having difficulty in breathing, wheezing severely and pneumonia could signal Lung issues.

3. Sudden dizziness and numbness

Dizziness accompanied by sudden eye problems, severe headaches, difficulty in talking properly, feelings of confusion and trouble in comprehending could be signs on an impending Stroke.

4. Heavy bleeding

Heavy bleeding with clots during periods, frequent urination, pain during sexual intercourse, menstruation that lasts longer than normal, pain in the pelvis, feeling full in the lower abdomen and an enlarged abdomen are symptoms of Fibroids.

5. Fatigue and unusual hunger

Getting easily tired all the time, peeing more often than you should, getting really thirsty, having a dry mouth and itchy skin, a blurred vision, slow healing soles, yeast infections, unplanned weight loss, if you are experiencing all these during the same period of time, you might be at risk of Diabetes.


6. Joint Stiffness

You could experience morning stiffness that would last for a few minutes or several hours. Your joints could become stiff at any time of the day whether you were active or not, it would be followed by pain in your knees, ankles, feet, shoulders or even fingers. There would be a mild inflammation of your joints, fever, numbness, tickling. These are early signs of Arthritis.

7. Itchy Vagina

When you begin to itch in the vagina area, and it hurts when you pee, when there is a foul odour coming from your vagina with an ample amount of discharge, painful intercourse and urination, you are most likely being faced with a disease called Vaginitis.

8. Blood in the urine

Chest pain, blood in the urine, vision problems, irregular heartbeat, pounding in the neck, ears or chest, severe headache, point to Hypertension.

9. Black stools

Not being able to control bowls, constipation, heart burn, rectal bleeding are likely due to Stomach/digestive problems.

10. Anxiety

Depression, fatigue, having no interest in regular activities, suicidal thoughts, feeling tense, nightmares point to emotional problems.

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