This Is The Best Recipe On How To Make Creamy Kunu Drink


Kunu Recipe

Kunu drink can be prepared with millet, rice, grain, maize or sorghum. Also, based on the ingredients which is used, kunu is called different names: the drink prepared with rice is called Kunu gyada; the drink made with millet has the name Kunu zaki.

This natural drink has many nutritional benefits, especially thanks to lingnam – a special polynutrient, proteins, vitamin B, and carbohydrates.

Below is an easy recipe on how to make Kunu

Make A Quick Jug Of Zobo With This Very Simple Recipe


-Components Millet

– Three cups; Water

– 2 l.; Sweet potato

– a half; 2 average gingers; Cloves

– one tbsp; Sugar to taste.


1. Clean millets from unnecessary elements as stones, for example. Pour water to a bowl, after add millets, if there still are stones or send, all they will remain on the bottom of the bowl.

2. Pour the millets with water carefully to another bowl, leaving dregs on the bottom. Leave the millet in chill water for the night.

3. Сut very small cloves, ginger, and sweet potato. Mix soaked millets, chopped ginger, sweet potato and cloves, place into blender and blend all the components together.

4. Divide the made mixture into 2 equal parts. You will need one part a bit later.

5. Add boiling water to one of the separated parts of the mixture and stir thoroughly. Now this uncovered mixture need to chill. Now it is a high time for the second part of the separated paste, pour it with water, stir thoroughly, and leave for overnight. It should be a little bit watery.

6. In the morning or at noon you need to filter it and add sugar, depending on your taste. The drink should be served chilled, so put it into a fridge for a while.

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