How To Use Egg Whites To Treat Acne And Blackheads

Egg whites are an easy and affordable way to help reduce acne and fade scars left by unfortunate blemishes. The reason people have found egg whites to be helpful for their skin is that they’re full of proteins and vitamins that both combat acne and help to rebuild your skin cells.

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They also soak up excess oil, which means excess sebum, which means less stuff for bacteria to feed on. Just make sure to use a good moisturizer afterward, as they can dry your skin out a bit.

You will need

-2 to 3 egg whites, separated from yolks


Rinse your face with water and pat dry. Separate the whites from the yolks. You can use as many as you like, but normally 2 to 3 is enough. Whisk the whites until they’re frothy, and let them sit for a few minutes.

Cover your face with the mixture (applying with fingertips is easy) focusing on problem spots. 3 to 4 layers is usually enough, but make sure to wait the first has dried before applying more.

Allow the mask to sit and dry for about 20 minutes before rinsing off completely with warm water and a patting dry with a soft washcloth. Apply moisturizer appropriate for your skin type.

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