Green Tea Does Wonders For Acne And Here Is Why

Green tea has been shown to have a noticeable impact on acne when used externally. To sum up the findings briefly, there is an antioxidant in green tea called epigallocatechin-3-gallate or EGCG. ECGC was shown to reduce sebum production, inflammation, and bacterial growth in acne-prone skin-basically the main causes behind breakouts.

Here’s how to use it topically-you can also try drinking a cup or two a day to detoxify.

You will need…

-1/2 cup fresh water
-2 teaspoons loose organic tea leaves OR 1 green tea bag


Wash your face with water, and pat dry with a soft clean towel. Place your leaves in a clean bowl and pour boiling water over them. Steep for 4-5 minutes before straining the leaves and letting the liquid cool to a comfortable temperature.

You can then pour into a spray bottle and spritz your face lightly, soak a cotton pad/soft cloth and apply, or simply use a teabag steeped for 2-3 minutes, patting it onto your face or problem areas. Some people find more success just leaving the refreshing liquid on, while others rinse it off with cool water.

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Have patience. The desperate urge to find a speedy solution to acne, preferably something that takes minimal effort, is a strong one.

In all reality though, and like so many other aspects in life, one really doesn’t exist. Having a regular skin care routine and adding a good, natural, acne remedy to it may take extra work, but stay committed, do things right, and give your treatment time to have an effect.

Remember, you live in your skin and that’s not ever going to change. Taking the effort to really care for it will make all the difference in terms of your comfort, happiness, and confidence.

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