Getting Ready To Travel Abroad? Make Sure You Get These 6 Important Medical Tests Done

Are you about to travel abroad? If yes, you should be aware there are a series of medical tests you just have to do as you prepare your visa, contact embassies, book flights, and sort out accommodation.

SEE THIS – 5 Essential Tips For Ladies Who Want To Travel Alone

So, before you pack your bags, make sure you’ve also looked after the most important thing – your personal health.

Here are 6 important medical tests you just have to do;

1. Vaccinations

Make sure you have done the standard immunizations like tetanus, diphtheria, polio, measles, and rubella. Check with your GP, or visit a specialist travelers medical center for any additional vaccinations or medications required for your destination.

Seek advice at least six weeks before your departure, because some vaccinations don’t take effect for several weeks and/or require a series of injections.

2. Malaria

If you would be traveling from a malarial region such as Nigeria, do make sure you get tested to see if you have the disease. If you would be traveling to a malarial region, make sure you consult your doctor for basic tests and anti-malaria medication to take along with you.

3. Dental checkup

Don’t forget to book yourself in for a dental check-up before you leave. Depending on where you’re going, dental services may be few and far between. You may not even have the time or the money to do so.

4. Blood Test

This can provide information about liver and kidney function, complete blood count (including red and white blood cells, platelets and haemoglobin), various types of Hepatitis, HPV, and HIV. The pathologist will need a blood serum sample to perform these tests. No special preparation is required to undergo these tests.

5. Urine Test

Urine analysis is used to detect conditions such as urinary tract infections, kidney disorders, liver problems, diabetes, and other metabolic conditions. Before undergoing a urine test, you need to provide complete information about any prescription and over-the-counter medications and supplements you are taking. Medications can affect the results of urinalysis. If you suffer from any medical problems, you should carry a letter from your physician describing the medical condition and prescription medications, including the generic name of the prescribed drugs when you travel. Any medications that you take along should be in their original containers and should be clearly labelled.

6. Chest X-ray

This is used to diagnose shortness of breath, persistent cough, fever, chest pain, and injury. It can also help diagnose and monitor treatment for a variety of lung conditions such as pneumonia, emphysema, and cancer. This test requires no special preparation.