Killer Of Black Lives Matter Activist, Oluwatoyin Salau Sentenced To Life Imprisonment

oluwatoyin salau killer sentenced

A Florida judge has sentenced Aaron Glee, the killer of 19-year-old Black Lives Matter (BLM) activist, Oluwatoyin Salau and 75-year-old Victoria Sims to life in prison for the 2020 murders.

Glee was supposed to plead guilty in January 2023 but decided to have a trial instead. In June, the 52-year-old Glee pleaded guilty to a first-degree murder and kidnapping charge. He opted to spend the rest of his life in jail rather than face the death penalty.

Salau, who attended Tallahassee Community College and participated in Black Lives Matter protests, went missing in 2020, a few days before Sims. Before going missing, on June 6, 2020, Salau tweeted about a series of events, including a sexual assault that had recently happened to her (read here). She also had been trying to escape abuse at the hands of her family.

Glee tied Salau up and imprisoned her for several days. He admitted to sexually assaulting her numerous times before deciding to kill her. Later, Glee raided Sims’ home and kidnapped her too. Police found the women’s bodies after tracking the phone belonging to Sims, who was also kidnapped by Glee after he raided her home.

Sims’s body was found in one of Glee’s bedrooms underneath a blood-stained sheet.  Salau’s body was found underneath a pile of leaves in a wooded area behind Glee’s rented house in Tallahassee (read here).  Glee fled from the police on a Greyhound bus, but he was caught in Orlando.

The hashtag #JusticeforToyinSalau trended on Twitter following Salau’s death. Glee was sentenced to life in prison on September 22, 2023.