In Your 30’s And Lonely? You Can Deal With It Using These 5 Tips

When a feeling of loneliness gets to you, you have the tendency to feel depressed or anxious about things. It then becomes worse when you have no communication with people around you.

Single women in their thirties feel lonely because they have shut themselves in for too long or are just experiencing it for the first time. For women who are new to feeling lonely, they might become overwhelmed with the time they have to themselves, therefore feeling more anxious.

Dealing with loneliness when you hit 30 may not be easy, but accepting it is the first step to dealing with it.

11 Quotes Every Single Lady Should Know By Heart

1. Take Individual Activities

When feeling lonely, you have time to yourself, so improve yourself. Take a course, learn something new, take that course you have been pushing aside for years, do something that would help you personally grow, and take your extra free time away. You can also get a new hobby like keep a journal, write a book, start a blog or website, get a new wardrobe, do something that is different from your daily routine.

2. Socialize And Be Open

You can get over your loneliness by meeting new people, joining new groups, go to events and the likes. Always be around people and in places that bring out your positive emotions.

3. Take A Trip With A Group

Take time off to take a trip with either your girlfriends or family. It helps to build your relationship and find that balance you need. Being in a different environment also helps to take your mind off the loneliness.

4. Try Dating Again

For women who have been deeply hurt this might take time but you should learn to be with someone again. Give whoever comes to you a chance. You can go on blind dates and group dates. Think about what you want from your partner and how your standards affect your relationship life.

5. Stay Positive

You have to always stay positive about yourself and your environment. Always look at the good side of things and not write them off. Having a positive personality will also attract people to you.



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