7 Things To Know Before Having Sex During Your Period

The subject of having period sex is usually seen as a dirty act and a taboo.

However, despite the narratives surrounding the act, it is safe and is known to have some benefits.

If you have ever wanted to have sex during your period, here are some things to consider.

1. Orgasms can relieve cramps and headaches

Menstrual cramps occur as a result of your uterus contracting to release its lining. When you have an orgasm, the muscles of your uterus also contract. Then they release. That release could bring some relief from period cramps and headaches.

Sex also triggers the release of chemicals called endorphins, which make you feel good.

2. Prepare adequately for the act

To minimise the mess accompanied by period sex, you should do these things.

  • If you have a tampon in, remove it before you start fooling around. A forgotten tampon can get pushed so far up into your vagina during sex that you’ll need to see a doctor to have it removed.
  • Spread a dark-colored towel on the bed to catch any blood leaks.
  • Keep a wet washcloth or wet wipes by the bed to clean up afterward.
  • Have sex in the shower or bath to avoid the mess.

3. It can make sex more enjoyable

Studies have shown that women desire sex more during their period. Most women claim to be more turned on and feel more sensitive around this time, leading to an increase in pleasure when stimulated.

4. Increased risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs)

Period sex may contribute to the transmission of some sexually transmitted infections (such as HIV or Hepatitis). The cervix is slightly more open around this time because of bool passage which puts you at a higher risk of infection of being infected with an STI.

Follow your usual safe sex guidelines by using a condom.

5. It can shorten your period

Having sex can shorten your period. The contracting of the uterus during an orgasm can speed up the shedding of your uterine lining.

6. Choose the right sex positions

Missionary sex or any position that calls for you to be on your back is your best bet when your blood flow is on the heavier side because you’re less likely to leak.

The spooning sex position is also a contender for one of the best sex positions for menstrual cramps, as well. This is because the style of sex would work well to ease muscle tension and it is a comforting and intimate way to have some nice slow loving with your partner.

However, if your usual sexual position is uncomfortable, try something different.

7. You can still get pregnant

While it’s extremely unlikely, the simple answer is yes.

Women are not able to conceive whilst on their period, but sperm survives within the female reproductive system for up to seven days. This means that a tiny fraction of women have a small chance of becoming pregnant from unprotected sex during their period.

If you aren’t actively trying to conceive, using protection is a good idea, no matter what part of your menstrual cycle you’re in.

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