You Are A Bad Employee If You Exhibit Any Of These 9 Signs At Work

Every employee joins an organisation in a bid to actualise their career goals and make a difference.

However, exhibiting one or more of these toxic traits will make you appear as the problematic worker or the bad employee in the organisation.

Here are some of them.

1. You are over-confident

No man is an island and even if you feel you are the most intelligent person in the office, tone down on that a bit. However, if you find yourself always complaining to yourself about how useless those around you are, then you have a problem to deal with.  you are working in a team and you don’t want to rub off your colleagues in the wrong way. Nobody wants to work with an arrogant colleague.

2. You are not open to corrections

When you’re corrected for a particular mistake, try as much as possible to hold on to that correction. There would be times where your work will be criticized or corrected by your boss and colleagues. However, if you always find it hard to take rejections, then you will be perceived as problematic and someone who is not open to learning.


3. You make a lot of excuses

If you find yourself frequently explaining away your actions, you may have a problem. Using excuses to justify your incompetence is a bad trait you need to drop as you will be sending a wrong signal by giving excuses all the time. To avoid this, try as much as possible to effectively communicate with your boss or colleagues.

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4. You are not punctual

If you resume work late and you’re also the first person to leave at closing hour, you might be sending the wrong sign. Your employer may assume you’re tired of the job. Habitually poor time management will make your boss see you as selfish, disrespectful, unreliable, and disorganized.

5. You gossip

Do you know lighthearted backbiting can damage your reputation? Workplaces are small, enclosed social environments, and contributing to the rumor mill doesn’t do anyone any good. If you do it too frequently, not only will you potentially hurt those around you, but people will lack respect for you as a professional.

6. You don’t respect your colleagues

Your attitude and response to your subordinates’ mistakes are very vital. It tells the kind of person you are. If you’re too harsh or too lenient, you might be sending the wrong signals to your employer.

7. You are not willing to go the extra mile

If you are okay with just the bare minimum and react or complain when anything challenging is given to you, it shows you are not a great addition to the team.

8. You are hated by everyone

If you get the feeling that nobody in the office likes you or nobody wants to work with you, it may be time to look inward to check the toxic traits you may be exhibiting.

9. You are less productive than your colleagues

If your boss seems to be spending more time with you than your coworkers, and these colleagues are constantly having to assist you, your employer may eventually determine that trying to improve your performance is a waste of time and money.

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