Why You Need To Include Strawberries In Your Diet For The Best Skin Of Your Life

Retaining and maintaining your beauty as a woman requires quite a number of effort and consistency. One of the natural product that would help you achieve that is the strawberry. Strawberry does not only look good and delicious, but they are also loaded with antioxidants, vitamin C, vitamin K, potassium, folic acid, calcium, iodine, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and healthy omega-3 fats.

Read: 10 Amazing Benefits Of Strawberry That Would Help You Stay Healthy And Strong

Strawberry is not just sweet fruit, it sustains and helps the skin and hair retain its glow. Have a look the amazing benefits.

1. It Prevents Early Aging

Strawberries contain the antioxidant ellagic acid, which prevents collagen destruction—one of the major causes of wrinkle formation. Ellagic acid has a photoprotective effect that works against UV damage by stifling the production of MMP, which are enzymes that contribute to the destruction of collagen. This prevents wrinkles from forming on the skin, thereby providing a healthy supple look to your face.

2. Whitens Teeth

Yup! You can also whiten your teeth naturally with strawberries! What you’re going to do is mash up one ripe strawberry in a small bowl then add ½ tsp baking soda. Mix these ingredients well then brush it on your clean teeth. Let it sit for 30 seconds then rinse your mouth well. Alternatively, rub a strawberry back and forth on your front teeth for a minute then rinse your mouth.

3. Makes Hair Shiny and Silky

Make strawberry juice and use it as a hair rinse for shiny and silky hair! It really works! Dump a cup of strawberries into a blender and add about ¼ cup of water. Blend till pureed then strain it to extract the juice. Use the juice as a hair rinse in the shower then do the last hair rinse with cold water.

4. Reduces Under-Eye Puffiness

Got under-eye puffiness! Strawberries can help! Select a large strawberry and cut two thick slices of it. Lie down and place the slices over your closed eyes. Leave them on for 20 minutes. You can also cut half circles and place them under your eyes to help with under-eye bags.

5. Clears Dark Spots

The juice is very efficient in lightening blemishes and acne scars. Strawberry juice contains skin lightening extracts as well as ellagic acid which reduces dark spots on skin. Simply apply the juice to the dark spots on your skin using a cotton ball and rinse thoroughly afterward.

6. Exfoliate The Scalp

Since strawberries act as a good exfoliator for skin, you can use it on your scalp too! Blend it to a puree in your blender then apply it all over your scalp. Leave it to sink in for about 30 minutes then rinse off with water and wash your hair with shampoo.

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