Nollywood actress, Hilda Dokubo has announced her intention to run for office. The Rivers state indigene has expressed interest in running for the Federal House of Representatives on the Labour Party ticket in Asalga/Akulga Federal Constituency of Rivers State. With her announcement, she joins the list of celebrities like Funke Akindele, Tonto Dikeh vying for public office. She shared her...
Nollywood actress, Hilda Dokubo in an Instagram post which is trending has called out current Minister of Transportation and former governor of Rivers state, Rotimi Amaechi and his successor, Gov. Wike. In The words of the former special adviser on youth affairs to former Rivers governor; Rivers state and Nigeria is too big for two ego tripping men, Enough is...
Hello!! My name is Anu
I'm a passionate digital media strategist and the creative mind behind FabWoman. My goal is to inspire and empower millennial women across Africa to live their most fabulous lives. Through FabWoman, I create engaging content that covers everything from fashion and beauty to health and lifestyle. When I'm not working, you'll find me exploring the latest trends, enjoying good food, and staying fit. Let's make every day fabulous together!