What To Say To Your Partner Every Day To Keep The Love Alive



You and your partner sailed past the honeymoon phase months ago, and now you’re more in the ‘please don’t forget to make the DStv subscription on the way home’ phase of adult romance.

How do you keep the love alive when life’s everyday hustle gets in the way, especially in this recent state of economic crisis in Nigeria?

Below are five simple phrases that a woman should say to increase love in a relationship.

1. ‘Good morning.’

Unless you’re one of those weird “morning people” who wake up smiling, with the perfect faces and ready to prepare the most creamy ‘Ogi’ or tea ever, mornings aren’t always romantic…or even pleasant, for that matter.

We’re human hence, we get tired and stressed about the day’s huge to-do list. Hence, a simple ‘good morning, love/sweetie/my husband’ will help remind your partner that they are the bright spot and best part of your day.

It may sound a bit odd to you but mornings together with your hubby should never be taken for granted, and this small utterance is a great way to enforce that—even via text message if you are in a long-distance union.

2. ‘I’m sorry.’

You snapped at them when they asked if you have prepared dinner. You turned his favourite T-shirt pink into a rag by accident. You forgot to text his mom on her birthday.


Why not Swallow your pride and say you’re sorry. It’s such an easy way to set things right fast. For peace’s sake,  say you’re sorry even if you’re not the one directly responsible for their distress (like, if they had a really stressful day at work).

This simple word shows you value their feelings over your own stubbornness, and more generally, it expresses empathy, reminding your partner that you have his good thoughts at heart.


3. ‘That’s such a great idea.’

Say something like this or another similar small compliment. Make an effort to commend your partner at least once a day, whether that’s telling him how proud you are that he stood up to his boss or as small as affirming that, yes, buying a refrigerator instead of a washing machine is a great idea.

How To Show Your Partner Care


A big part of being a good spouse is being your partner’s constant cheerleader, and for sure,  positive affirmations from the person closest to them (no matter how tiny) will have a great effect on them.

This will make them happier people in their day to day activities, and therefore, provide a happier all-around mood in your partnership.

4. ‘How was your day?’

It’s so easy to get swept up in our own little stresses and dramas of your day and sometimes forget about others. When we get too comfortable with people, we often forget to ask about their days and ramble on about our own day instead.

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Asking this question every day will remind your partner how much you care about him or her and the totally silly but important eggroll they ate for lunch. This will also help you to learn more about being selfless, especially in marriage.

5. ‘I love you.’

Last but not least, the three most powerful words in the English language are believed to be these three words. Even the not so loving ladies among us must find a reason to remind our husbands that we love them every day.

Say it when ending a phone call, falling asleep at night or add it as a sweet end to that text message. What matters is that you say it.


It doesn’t matter that they know it already and it doesn’t matter what you said it just yesterday-  ‘I love you’ is hands down the easiest, most effective way to ensure you never lose that honeymoon sparkle.

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