Travelling Abroad For The First Time With Your Partner? Here Are Some Tips You Should Know

tips to surviving your first holiday together as a couple

There comes a point in every new couple’s existence when a holiday – seems like the perfect thing to do. After all, you love spending time together, so what could be better than spending time together in some romantic city, or on a beautiful beach?

As many of you will have experienced though, the reality can be quite different. Settling on a place to vacation, planning out the trip and then spending all your hours together in a strange environment can all put a strain on a new relationship.

Before you start dreaming of going off to a place where you’ll wander hand in hand through towns and streets, you need to read these essential tips.

1. Take Your Time To Plan

This is your first trip together so it’s not the time to hastily make plans. For your first trip, keep the destination simple and the schedule relaxed, with lots of planning. Take your time to get all necessary things you would need.

You’ll discover a lot of new things about each other on your first trip – some good, some bad – and you don’t want the bad things to be magnified by a badly planned trip, or just too long in each other’s company without a break.

2. Involve Friends And Family

Travelling can be stressful what with having to be on time to meet buses, flights and delays. To make the best of your time together, and to avoid extra stress, choose somewhere where you have relatives or friends who can meet you.

The aim is to have a great time together, get to know each other better, and leave each other wanting more and perhaps, build a life together in that city.

3. Communication is key

It may be tempting to pop into a travel agency and surprise your loved one, but in the case of first trips together, its best to be sure you know what you both want out of a holiday. You might fancy a different town when your partner loves another.

At this point in your relationship, laying your cards on the table is the only thing to do – you should not make any particular assumptions. Don’t let yourself agree to something you’re not interested in either – that weekend touring might be his idea of heaven, but if you’re going to hate it, then what is the point?

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4. Discuss money

Your first trip away together will also probably be the first time you’ll have to think about a big purchase(asides wedding expenses) together. Get this sorted straight away so as to avoid any confusion – money has a nasty way of creating quiet resentment between couples. Is it a treat from one of you or are you both splitting everything 50-50?

Is one of you going to be in charge of the money? And do you have the same expectations about how much money you want to spend?

Make sure you’re not in a situation where one of you is on a tight budget and the other is expecting to fly first class and have the best of everything while on the trip

The only way around this is to be completely honest before you set off on your trip. If you’re hoping to make your own lunches, or only visit the free side attractions, then make sure your partner knows this before you guys set off. If they are worth your time, they’ll understand.

5. Remember to relax

If you have had thoughts of the two of you having a smooth sweet flight, running around on a beach or driving through unknown spots,  but what happens is you guys having a crash scare, or having issues with your tickets, always remember that you’re meant to be having fun.

Instead of getting in a bad mood, hold onto the fact that these are the things you’ll laugh about in years to come, and that your time together is the most important aspect of your trip.

And if you find yourselves unable to find the fun in tough situations, then when you get back, there might be some loop holes in the union.

7. Go with the flow

If the aim is to get to grow love, then you don’t need strict planning for your movement By all means have an idea of what you’d like to do once you reach your destination, but planning things out too much will make it less fun.

Go with the flow, visit new places, meet friends, try out new meals, visit thrift stores, run along the beach, do everything but be rigid and you would have an amazing trip.

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