Actress, Ufuoma Mcdermott’s Thoughts On Childbirth Via Caesarian Section Is What Every Woman Should Know

Nollywood actress, Ufuoma Mcdermott has shared her thoughts on childbirth through Caesarean section. According to the mum of two, she does not believe that not having a child through natural birth makes you less of a woman like many think.

She spoke about the love she has for her children despite the fact that she had the both of them through  CS in an interview with Saturday Beats.

Talking about childbirth through an operation

“Both of my children were born by caesarean section and I still feel very proud of motherhood. My children are my treasure and pride.

I don’t think anyone should decide how a child is brought into the world because complications sometimes warrant CS. If everything is good, then the doctor would insist on a normal birth.

At any point in time, motherhood is motherhood. It makes me laugh when people say that women who have a CS are not strong women. It is amazing how ignorant some people are.

On her first delivery

“My son, for example, was conceived through in vitro fertilisation and when it was time for delivery, there was a breach, which means that the head of the child was up in the uterus as against it being down, so it was not advisable to push at the time.

I’m glad that I listened to the doctor because, by the time my son was brought out, he had his placenta around his neck. If I had pushed, I might have strangled him.”

On women who think giving birth through CS is a curse

I think it is ignorance when someone comes out to say that she is a strong woman so she has to do normal child delivery. Yet, I am patient with people because I got to a point where I was enlightened.

Most people that say they are Hebrew women speak from what they have been taught by their mothers and grandmothers. They have been told that if they do not have the normal childbirth, then they are not Hebrew women.

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These women can be forgiven because the truth is that a mother is always a mother. When it comes to the process of childbirth, you cannot take away the pain that comes with it whether it is by CS or normal delivery; you would feel the pain whether it is before, during or after childbirth.”

On giving birth through CS

“CS is actually a stitch, it is a wound and it takes time to heal but in my case, I was already walking by the second day after giving birth to my son.

The labour ward was different from where they kept my son and I could not sleep because I wanted to see him. I was a new mother, the nurses told me to stay put, but I did not listen.

I was crying as I dragged myself on the staircase to see my son. In all of it, I think we should just appreciate mothers because they go through a lot. Even if it is an adoption, a mother is a mother and you cannot take that away from her.”
