Want To Be Successful? Here Are 7 Morning Habits You Should Imbibe Daily

There is a saying that ‘Morning people are productive people’. This truth is not far-fetched as the way you start your mornings can determine how productive your day can go.

A daily routine or habit of what you do every morning is a sure path to success. Many successful people have sworn by these habits and incorporated these routines into their lives which have helped them achieve their goals.

Want to be successful, here are seven-morning habits you should imbibe.

1. Wake up early

Yes, we know you really want to sleep some more but the time you wake up can set the tone for the rest of your day.

Studies show that 90% of executives are early risers who wake up before 6 am.

Not only will you have more control in your early hours, but you’ll also have more opportunities to do things that matter to you

A good way to achieve this goal is by setting a sleep schedule, this means setting a regular time for going to bed and waking up.

2. Meditate

Spending a few times to meditate each morning helps clear your mind, remove stress, and helps you focus for the day ahead.

It also fosters reflection as it helps you strategize on your goals and to-do list.

3. Eat Breakfast

Many people are guilty of not having breakfast because of the need to leave home early to beat traffic. No matter how busy you are, you cannot be as productive as you should if continuously skip breakfast.

However, what you eat is also as important as having breakfast. A bowl of cereal or oatmeal with granola, banana or almond toppings is a great way to start. Don’t forget that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

4. Make your bed

As small as this detail may seem, it is also very important to your morning routine. Making your bed will serve as your first accomplished task of the day, and that sense of accomplishment will carry through into everything you do all day.

A Navy Seal Admiral, William H McRaven once said in a 2014 Commencement speech, ‘If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed’.

5. Exercise

Research shows that people who get their bodies moving have a more productive day. Yes, we know it may be tough but you can start slowly, maybe exercise once every three days then you can increase the number as your body adjusts.

If you are working from home which is common this period, try taking a quick walk for about 45 mins to an hour. It also helps you clear your mind. You can also do some home exercises like squats, leg raise etc.

6. Have a ‘tomorrow list’

Do you know that a successful morning starts the day before? You can start by writing down three things you want to accomplish the next day. In the morning, look at your list and tackle the toughest task first.

7. Prioritize sleeping early

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Getting a good night’s sleep sets you up for success the next day even many factors like family duties and body system takes center stage here.

However, it is very vital to get enough sleep(at least 8 hours) to enhance creativity and mental health.

Arianna Huffington, the founder of The Huffington Post and Thrive Global, learned the hard way after she fainted from sleep deprivation, hit her head on her desk, and broke a cheekbone. Now she gets eight hours of sleep 95% of the time, and as a result, is able to wake up naturally instead of using an alarm.

Apply the saying ‘Early to bed, early to rise’, here.

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