6 Tips To Help You Change Your Wardrobe On A Tight Budget

We tend to think that in order to enhance our wardrobe or update our look, we have to spend lots of money or buy really cheap clothes.

Fashion can be overwhelming, especially for those of us on a tight budget! we’ve got good news for you, you can actually change your wardrobe with a seemingly small budget!

If you’re saving for a big purchase or curbing your spending, this post will guide the way.

1. Know Your Budget

It’s not just enough to say you want to change your wardrobe but it is good to have a particular amount of money set out for the change you want to embark upon. Make sure that what you budget for your clothes don’t affect your budget for other important things in your life.

2. Assess Your Existing Wardrobe

Now you have a budget for your wardrobe change but before you go ahead to add new clothes to the ones you already have, you may want to let go of some of the clothes you have in your closet that make you feel you have more than enough.

Go through your wardrobe and remove any clothing material that is outdated, doesn’t fit your body anymore and anyone that has holes or is worn out. You can also consider giving out the ones you’re tired off to the less privileged.

3. Create A List

Take an assessment of your existing wardrobe. Your wardrobe should have at least the following basic easy pieces:

  •  A black dress
  • A Knee length skirt
  • A Blazer
  • Casual flats
  • A Pair of heels
  • Blouses
  • Tee Shirt
  • A basic handbag

This list is the foundation of any good wardrobe. Typically, one can mix and match these items to create outfits for any occasion without spending a lot of money to buy new clothes as these items will, however, get you going for work, casual and serious outings.

4. Take Advantage of Trade fairs and end of season sales

Stores are practically giving things away at the end of each season to make room for the next season’s goods. You can find out about these sales by joining a store’s mailing list.

5. Stop Impulse Buying

Most ladies fall under this category.We are also ready to buy anything  at anytime once we like it.This habit should be curbed so you can focus on the pieces you truly love.

6. Shopping Time


There are a lot of good and budget friendly clothes out there. You should, however, make sure that you pay attention to certain colours when you’re picking a new clothing item. This is simply because some colours look expensive even if they are not.

If your shopping budget is very small, it is best you spend a sizeable portion of the money on blouses, casual shoes, blazers and blue coloured Jeans. These pieces of clothing will stand the test of time and will cover most of your daily needs. You can proceed to use whatever funds you have left for any other thing.



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