11 Interesting Things To Do When You Feel Unproductive


There are times one can feel unmotivated and uninspired to do anything, we have all be there at differnet points in our lives.

Feeling unproductive is allowed once in a while but you shouldn’t allow it to consume you.

Know that it’s just a phase of life however you can use that period to do some other interesting things that are also pertinent to your mental state and well being.

Here are 11 things that can help develop your skills and also enhance your productivity.

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1. Cooking

Cooking is one of the most productive hobbies out there, and something everyone should consider trying their hand at.

It forces you to be in the moment, focusing entirely on the product and the processes at hand. 

As a bonus, with practice, you’ll get really good at preparing and making food in advance for the days ahead, meaning you’re being even more productive than you realized.

2. Hiking

Hiking is one of those quintessential ‘weekend’ hobbies, for people with a passion for long treks and experiencing the beauty of nature.

Studies have shown the benefits of hiking to the brain. It can also have a beneficial effect upon productivity, as hiking allows you to clear your mind of all worries and focus on the present, as well as providing you with exercise to improve physical fitness and stamina.

3. Painting

Painting may not seem like a particularly productive hobby, but it can lend some wonderful perspective on your life and can help unleash your creative side.

4. Writing

One of the most productive hobbies to have is to write in your spare time. Writing is an incredibly powerful and important form of self-expression.

Whether it’s writing articles, plays, radio scripts or diary entries, writing helps unlock your creative side and helps you be as productive and healthy as possible.

5. Running

Running is the go-to relaxation-slash-exercise sports activity for a significant amount of the population. However, it also allows productive benefits and is one of the most productive hobbies out there.

Running not only improves your fitness levels, but it can also help with any kind of mental block by teaching you how to push through that same kind of mental barriers and obstructions, that are causing you delay.

6. Dancing

Listening to music and dancing is a great way to help recharge and relax.

If meditation is not what you’re looking for, just dance the blues away. it works.

Dancing forces you to learn routines obsessively, training your focus into a series of practiced movements, and using that as a template for achieving productivity in the minutiae of your daily life is something well worth considering.

7. Yoga

Yoga is one of the most productive hobbies you can fit into your schedule, as it allows you to close off all external thoughts and focus entirely on your bodily practice.

You focus strongly and single-mindedly on improving your body and physical fitness, as well as emotional and spiritual well-being, and you’ll be well prepared and more productive for the future.

8. Reading

Reading is one of the world’s most popular pursuits and past times, and with good reason. It is an extremely productive hobby as it can be done easily during your downtime and ’empty time’ in which you are doing nothing.

Reading research and studies about productivity, can, in turn, make you learn new habits, behaviours, and patterns that will make you be more effective with your time.

9. Gardening

Gardening is not only a pleasant and relaxing pastime, but it’s also a fantastic way to boost your productivity.

Gardening allows you to relax and unwind, conserving your energies for the frantic days ahead you might have. It also teaches you about managing different projects (or in this case plants) all at the same time.

10. Knitting

Knitting is usually considered to be something that the elderly and the niche of Hollywood celebrities like doing, but knitters circle the world – and for good reason.

It uses the same multi-tasking and planning skills that a modern-day workplace will utilise, and it promises a physical, tangible end product to your endeavours.

11. Swimming

Swimming is relaxing, strengthening and an extremely positive and healthy way of exercising. It’s also a beneficial way of becoming more productive.

Swimming can help channel all worries into something productive, clear the mind for more positive action and thoughts, and can make you feel more energized leaving the pool after a hearty workout. Swimming has been shown to have numerous physiological and psychological health benefits, so there’s no reason not to head to your local pool.

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