This sunset-yellow spice, scientifically known as Curcuma longa, has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties that can help to treat countless skin issues such as eczema, acne, dark circles, bring out natural glow and many more.

We have put together 6 benefits of turmeric on the body

1. Turmeric For Skin Lightening

A triple shot of espresso can work wonders on your brain, but not so much for under-eye shadows. After your next all-nighter, try turmeric!

A recent study found that turmeric essential oil in a lotion formulation can brighten skin within three weeks with results that last just as long.

These glowing benefits are likely the result of powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds working together to heal and bring out the natural health of skin.

2. Turmeric To Soothe Psoriasis

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease in which inflammation causes skin cells to build upon each other, creating scaly patches that are prone to cracking and bleeding.

Curcumin, the primary active compound found in turmeric, contains anti-inflammatory enzymes that can combat cell production and reduce these uncomfortable skin patches.

3. Turmeric To Fade Acne Scar

Turmeric can help fade the acne scars of your hormonal youth. The jury’s still out on its ability to erase the emotional pain!

Still struggling with acne? Not only will the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric help, but so will its antibacterial properties.

Acne is commonly caused by the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes. This is typically treated with antibiotics, which are becoming less effective as a result of drug resistance.

A study in 2013 suggests curcumin combined with lauric acid is an effective way to combat acne-causing bacteria.

You can use turmeric powder in combination with many skin-healthy DIY face mask ingredients, such as honey, apple cider vinegar, yogurt, or aloe.

4. Turmeric To Combat Sunburns

UV rays are your skin’s worst enemy — they cause sunburns, skin cancer, fine lines, hyperpigmentation, and wrinkles. But turmeric may help you turn back the clock, in a manner of speaking.

Antioxidants prevent free radicals like pollution and UV rays from affecting your skin’s elasticity — the quality that keeps your skin feeling soft and supple.

5. Turmeric To Heal Wounds

When you get injured, your body’s natural response is to send white blood cells and healing enzymes to the wound to stave off infection — this is what causes inflammation. While that sounds like a good thing, it also causes the not-so-beneficial effects of heat, redness, and pain.

Turmeric counteracts this response, fighting inflammation and oxidation to calm the swelling and make those wounds a little less angry.

Turmeric also speeds up the skin’s ability to form new, healthy tissue. It boosts collagen production too, meaning your injury heals faster and scars less.

6. Turmeric To Treat Scabies

Even bugs are no match for turmeric. Scabies is an infestation of the mite Sarcoptes scabiei, which burrows under your skin and — if left untreated — can lay eggs. The result is an itchy, rash-like irritation on your skin.

Scabies is typically treated with a prescription cream and hydrocortisone lotion, but a 2011 study from India showed that the combination of turmeric and neem (the extract from a native Indian tree) was 97 percent effective in curing scabies.