‘In My LifeTime, I Will Never Stop Being An Advocate Of Sexual Purity’ -Juliana Olayode ‘Toyo Baby’

Juliana Olayode aka Toyo Baby has reiterated her stance against pre-marital sex and sexual purity.

She said this in response to an Instalive live video that was trending where she admitted that she was in a relationship but wasn’t having sex with her partner.

Juliana made headlines a few years back when the news of how she lost her virginity broke.

In the post, she said she would never stop being an advocate of sexual purity and that God designed sex specifically for marriage.

Read her full post below

SEX is God-given and it should be God-governed. What this means is when a manufacturer of something gives you a manual or tells you how best to use what he or she has manufactured, you best believe the manufacturer. God wants us to have amazing sex but in marriage. This is the truth I know and believe about sex and nothing is ever going to change my mind about it.
In my life time, I will never stop being an advocate of sexual purity.
To those who have been calling me and asking questions, this is my stand on sex.
Shout out to everyone out their doing it right and keeping their legs closed . It is not easy to be honest and it can be hard, I mean so hard but it is doable and we are doing it ??? and God will continue to help us