Adesua Etomi Pens Heartwarming Message To Banky W As They Celebrate Their First Wedding Anniversary

It’s all a romantic moment as Actress, Adesua Etomi Wellington pens down heartwarming message to her husband, Banky W on their first wedding Anniversary with the hashtag BAAD Forever.

ALSO READ: Adesua Etomi Pens Heartwarming Message To Banky W As They Celebrate 1st Year Wedding Anniversary

Adesua and Banky W had one of the most talked about and trendy wedding in 2017 with the #BAAD2017. We seem to have not gotten over the wedding as they celebrate their wedding anniversary.

We congratulate the couples and wish them the very best in life. See Adesua’s post below.


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Still on cloud nine, ? Still the best man I know, ? Still basking in the goodness of the Lord, ?‍♀️ Still dancing with you,?? Still thirsty, ? Still can’t get enough of you, ? Still laughing like crazy, ? Still amazed that you’re mine,? Still in awe of this love that I’ve never seen before, ? Still excited about the future. Thank you for working with me, for your patience, for your kindness, for your selflessness and for your unconditional love. When i think about how much you love me and care for me, it leaves me in awe of the kind of love God must have for me. He loves every single person, so deeply and you bubba, are a reflection of that love. Your light shines soooo bright. My purpose partner. I knew I made an amazing decision when I chose you. A year has gone by and only now, do I fully understand the magnitude of that decision. A decision that has impacted my destiny You are God’s perfect will for me. Thank you for chasing away my fears and making our home my safe haven. One down and I still can’t wait for forever. Thank you for the most amazing year. Happy anniversary bestfriend. Life wouldn’t be life without you. #BAADFOREVER

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Banky W also responded With the most beautiful message. See his post below.


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Some say the 1st year of marriage is supposed to be the hardest to get used to.. That adjustment into sharing your space/world with someone is supposed to be difficult. Yet somehow, the past 365 days have been.. BY FAR.. the best year of my life. I’m so thankful that I found you. You were worth the wait. You are worth the effort. You are everything I hoped for, and much more than I deserve. Thank you for loving me and inspiring me. Thank you for being with me, and building with me. My life is better because you’re in it. In a world where most people aren’t lucky enough to find someone they can tolerate, I found my destiny. Happy Anniversary Shug. Forever’s gonna be fun. In Jesus Name, Amen. ????? #BAAD2017 #BAAD2018 #BAADFOREVER

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