This Is How To Use Honey To Get That Glowing Skin You Have Always Desired

Healing honey facial masks have been used for centuries to promote healthy skin. Legend has it that Cleopatra herself took baths in milk and honey to keep her skin soft and supple.

Honey exfoliating masks are used to remove dead cells and reveal the glowing new skin beneath. Used topically, honey alone is a mild to moderate exfoliating agent.

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Honey combined with other natural substances can create a natural and powerful exfoliating treatment for a wide variety of skin types and conditions.

Below are easy steps to take:

1. Choose the Right Raw Honey

Any pure honey will work if it’s a liquid consistency, rather than solid, although several skin experts recommend using local honey when possible to support producers committed to sustaining bee populations.

2. Apply a Thick Layer to the Skin

Spread a big spoonful across your face as though you’re applying a mask, massaging it into a thin layer. Leave it on for 10 minutes so that it can really nourish your skin.

3. Rub it in a strategic manner

Press onto the skin and lift off in a rolling motion from your index finger to your pinky finger, repeating these quick movements all over the face. Use a stronger motion around the T-zone but be gentler on the rest of the face where your skin is more fragile.

If the honey gets too sticky, add a tiny bit of water to one finger to loosen things up.

4.  Remove With A Warm cloth

You’ll know it’s time to take it off when the skin feels alive and looks stimulated, or in about five minutes. For better use, you can place a damp, hot cloth over your face to create a little steam before efficiently removing all the honey and the dead skin, too to reveal a fresh-faced, hydrated finish.

5. Add Lemon

If possible, add lemon to your honey facial scrub. This helps improve the effectiveness of honey and you get visible results in a short while.


