Anita Nderu’s Story Of Being Sexually Molested Numerous Times Inside Public Vehicles Is Heartbreaking

Anita Nderu Shares Molestation Experience On BBC

Much revered TV and radio presenter Anita Nderu has opened up about past incidents in which she was sexually assaulted inside public vehicles, also known as Matatus.

Anita’s revelation came just days after the Thomson Reuters Foundation released a study of the safest and worst cities for women in the world. According to the survey, more than half of women in Kenya have experienced gender-based violence in public transport.

Anita recently appeared on the BBC as part of the highly respected #100Women debates where she was invited in her role as project founder to speak on the media’s representation of women.

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Talking about women molestation, she narrated how she had been sexually molested by a man on a bus in Nairobi. She had been on a bus and a man had crept his hands into her blouse and bra, grabbing her breasts.

Speaking to the BBC, the 27-Year-Old Capital FM presenter narrated how a man groped her breast inside a matatu.

She further revealed that since the incident she has used matatus twice and that she has never been 100% comfortable in matatus again.

She said:

“I have been harassed twice in a matatu and once in a taxi. It is a story that I’ll have to remember for the rest of my life which is not fair,”

“Both incidents happened during the day. It was on my way to work I was just sitting facing the opposite direction and then I just felt something cold on my left boob. I look down and I see a hand,” narrated Anita.

She then confronted the man who in turn responded: “What are women’s breasts there for if not to touch?”

We have the video below