6 Home Remedies That Will Clear The Chicken Pox Scars On Your Child’s Skin

Home Remedies Chicken Pox
Chicken Pox
  • Home remedies to clear your child’s chicken pox scars

Chickenpox is very common in children. It is generally caused by a virus called Varicella-Zoster which is highly communicable by air, or through the mucus, saliva, or from blisters of someone infected with chickenpox.

Such children can be considered contagious from the first or second day before the rash associated with chickenpox shows up till the time that the chickenpox blisters completely dry up.

Below are some home remedies to get rid of chicken pox scars.

1. Honey

Home Remedies Chicken Pox

A natural antibacterial food, honey can easily cure chickenpox irritation due to the natural sugars it contains. By applying it to the body of your child, it will soothe his skin of all the rashes, itching, and blisters. Leave it on for some time and wash it off. Repeat this a few times a day.

2. Vitamin D

Home Remedies Chicken Pox

Vitamins are said to benefit children with chickenpox. They include Vitamin A, B-12, D, E and K. The properties of Vitamin A and beta carotene help stave viral infections. Vitamin B-12 provides the necessary relief to get over the itchy feeling. Vitamins D, E and K help absorb Vitamins B-12 and A and other nutritional supplements.

For children, care should be taken to provide them with vitamin supplements as an overdose of these could lead to severe health effects leading to long-term disability and death.

3. Aloe Vera

A natural healer, aloe vera is also antiviral and anti-inflammatory in nature. It moisturizes the skin and heals it to prevent scarring. To use it, cut open a leaf of this herb and apply its gel directly on the blisters. Let the skin absorb it entirely and dry thoroughly. Apply it regularly to get rid of chickenpox

4. Ginger Bath

To get rid of the irritation of the itching of chickenpox, give your child a ginger bath. To give your child a ginger bath, add about half a cup of ginger powder or fresh ginger pieces to a bathtub of warm water.

Mix it and let your child soak in it for 30 minutes or till the water turns cold. Pat his body dry with a towel and take care not to damage the skin.

You can also do the following: Boil a cup of water and add one teaspoon of minced ginger root.

Lower the heat and let it simmer for a few minutes. Remove from the fire, strain, and stir in a tablespoon of honey and lime juice each. Let your child drink the liquid a few times a day to prevent further incidents of chickenpox.

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5. Apple Cider Vinegar

Homemade Recipes For Chicken Pox In Children

To get relief from chickenpox, dilute a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and apply it to the blisters. Apple cider vinegar’s acidic content helps to subside the itching and hasten the pace of drying of the blisters.

6. Baking Soda

To use baking soda for relief from chickenpox, make a paste of half a teaspoon of it with enough water and apply it on your child’s skin. Sponge him with this liquid and allow it to dry on the skin until your little one is relieved of all itchiness.

Alternatively, you can mix half a cup of baking soda in some warm water and pour it into your child’s bathing water.


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