5 Tips On How To Prepare And Pass An Online Interview


The transition from physical interviews to online interviews has become the norm amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Companies who are recruiting this period are taking to online platforms like Zoom to interview candidates.

The need to be prepared in case you are job searching is therefore important using the following tips.

1.Dress well like you are going for a physical interview

Just because its a video interview doesn’t mean you should dress shabbily. Remember, your appearance is key and its the first step to acing that interview.

Wear clothes appropriate for the organization you are applying to and lastly make sure you put on shoes. It may seem strange but it has a psychological effect on you.

2. Get a good environment

The environment where your interview is scheduled to take place is very important and could make or mar your success.

Get a quiet environment devoid of all distractions and noise. Find a good place or a room with a plain or neutral background. A bedroom with a sloppy bed, a home office full of clutter, a kitchen table gives you an unserious look and distracts the interviewer.

Silence anything that could interfere with your conversation, including your phone and email notifications on your computer.

If you have children, it’s best you keep them away from the interview area. You don’t want your children yelling mummy or running around in the middle of your interview. If your house is not conducive enough, then make you sure you find other options before the interview day.

3. Do a test-run of your tools

You need to be familiar with what technology tool your interviewer will be using (e.g Zoom, Skype, etc)

Once you’re comfortable with the program you’ll be using, it’s a good idea to test your internet connection as well as your audio and sound capabilities to make sure everything works properly.Get it ready at least 15 minutes before the start of the interview.

Also, it’s preferable to use a laptop or desktop as it gives a more professional look. You will not look good holding your cellphone, which will shake or move around as you hold it and be annoying to the viewer

4. Maintain a good posture and body language

A good body language at a video interview is similar to that of a face to face interview.

Remember to slow down if you start to get nervous and avoid being fidgety. Even in the online environment, eye contact is important. Don’t forget to smile! Whether you are talking to an actual person or recording your answers, smile the way you would during an in-person interview.

5. Practise/Do a mock interview

If you are not familiar with an online interview, you may need to practise in a mock interview with a friend using the recommended tool.

Take note and watch out for your expressions and movements, get used to the camera, and focus on the interviewer.

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