Going For An Interview? Here Are 6 Items You Should Take Along

Being invited for an interview is a good feeling but it doesn’t stop there. Having everything under control which starts from bringing the right instruments or documents to the interview.  The items will ensure your interview goes smoothly and they enhance your professional look.

Also Read: Make A Good First Impression At That Job Interview With These Style Tips

Unfortunately, your lack of preparation may have just cost you your dream job. To prevent something like this from happening, you should start preparing for your interview as soon as a company gets in touch with you. Below are things you should bring to an interview.


Since you would have to bring some documents with you, a folder or briefcase will help you keep those papers safe and unfolded. If you get a folder with separate sections, you can also find your desired document easily during the interview.

2. Copies Of Your Resume

You most likely already submitted your resume when you applied for the job, but don’t assume the interviewer will have a copy of it on hand. In fact, you can have a few copies that you can then offer to anyone present in the room.

But you can also have an extra copy for yourself – it’s a good idea to have a reminder in front of you. This ensures you remember just what kind of resume you’ve sent to the potential employer and it can help you to better talk about your best skills and qualifications.

3. Pen And Notepad

It’s important to take your time to answer the questions and perfect help for this is having a notepad and a pen to scribble with. Take notes on the questions your interviewers ask or surprising insights they share. You can use these notes to follow up later in an appreciation mail.

4. Pre-written Questions For Your Interviewers

When you are putting the resume copies and the blank paper in your folder or folio, also add at least two or three pre-written questions for your interviewers to have on hand. It’s good to write them down ahead of time in case your mind suddenly goes blank when they ask you for questions.

5. Mode Of Identification

It’s important to show up with a proof of identity. The potential employer might want to quickly check you are who you say you are. A passport, identity card or a driver’s license is usually sufficient.

6. A Portfolio/ Samples Of Work

In many professions, it can also help to bring with you something that truly showcases your talent. If you are working in a creative industry, then you want to show your creativity and not just talk about it on your resume. Having a portfolio displaying your work is a great idea and you definitely want to have one with you at the job interview.

Olamide is a media enthusiast that's goal-driven and intends to build her career at every opportunity she gets.